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wonder girl

美 [ˈwʌndər ɡɜːrl]英 [ˈwʌndə(r) ɡɜːl]
  • 网络神奇女孩
wonder girlwonder girl
  1. No wonder Harvard girl , despite its martial overtones , struck a popular chord .


  2. but I gotta wonder , is girl power going to protect them


  3. I wonder if that girl had anything to do with it


  4. I wonder what this girl will buy .


  5. Her swollen bladder was very prominent now , and he began to wonder how the girl could withstand such pressure inside her .


  6. So , I wonder why a girl as " articulate , classy and spectacularly beautiful " as you has been unable to find your sugar daddy .


  7. Some people may wonder why the girl in the same office suddenly stopped dining with them ; others may be curious about what ` s inside the boxes that people carry in the early morning subway .


  8. He 'd probably wonder how his little girl got to such a point .


  9. Jim : I wonder what this little girl will buy .


  10. I wonder what a smart girl like you ever saw in those oh-so-bad guys .


  11. Ever wonder why that great girl settles for that terrible guy or why that honest hard working man starts to cheat and lie at work ?


  12. Critics are beginning to wonder if the little girl is growing up a bit prematurely & and being forced to do it in the public eye , which certainly can 't help .
